The claim I have chosen to prove is "Someone who doesn't eat meat can survive."
Let's say...
- H(x): the set of all Humans.
- M(x): the set of Meat-eaters.
- V(x): the set of Survivors.
Let x = Jinny # Jinny is my friend who is a vegan
Then x
Then ¬ M(x) # She doesn't eat meat
But len(x) this year > len(x) last year # She is taller now
Then x grows # There must be something else that gives her protein
Then x finds another food source # She doesn't starve!
Then x eats
Then x breathes # She can't move mouth muscles to chew without respiration; Oxygen in!
Then x has energy # From the law stating that Respiration = Energy + CO2 + H20
Then x can move # Einstein's Law of Conservation of Energy; it has to go somewhere!
Then x can run away from danger # Energy well-used, Jinny
Then x can survive # Gloria Gaynor
Then V(x)
Then ¬ M(x) ∧ V(x)
* As a side-note, I really enjoyed reading the post "Week 10 (Problem Solving)" by who eloquently explains how to prove that 5n^4 - 3n^2 + 1 is in
O(6n^5 - 4n^2 + 2n ). This was a tutorial question that I personally did not know how to solve until I read the post. Highly recommended!
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